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Things to Do to Keep Sane During Quarantine

Bella V Boutique Things to Do to Keep Sane During Quarantine
Hi Bellas,
What are you doing during this quarantine to keep sane? It’s just a weird time guys. We don’t know what we are suppose to be doing, saying. I get it! There is so much emotional stuff going on, that many of us like myself that need things to do to keep our mind healthy and sane! Because during this chaos, we need more than ever to keep our thoughts on the right track. Plus, little distractions is good for the soul!
Keep Some Traditions the Same
What do you need to keep things a little bit more normal? Get up, take a shower and get dress? Do your hair and makeup? Wear something that makes you feel good? DO IT!! Do whatever makes your day feel better and normal.
Normally, I’m not a FaceTime type of girl. Who else can relate? That's out of the picture now. I couldn’t be more grateful for the technology we have to keep us connected and kinda together. We’ve been getting creativity here, FaceTime for playdates, family cocktails, cooking together. It keeps us connected and actually brings a smile to our face.
Work on Some Projects
Am I the only one that has a list of projects I would like to tackle throughout the year. From work projects to home improvements. I mean perfect time or what? I have a couple of projects throughout the house we’ve been putting off, like my closet and mama finally has time to get some of them done. Clean your closet, paint your bedroom walls, create a garden, work on your work goals, the list can go on and on. 
Me Time
It will be a bit until mama gets her nails done, but that doesn’t mean they will suffer until then. I will be honest, I am not the greatest at arts and crafts, but even painting my nails brings me some type of normalcy which I need to keep sane. You can feel super overwhelmed at times like this and unfortunately leave our self care last. So my advice more than ever is do something for yourself. Put on a face mask, read a book, walk around your neighborhood if possible, binge watch a show, have that glass of wine, do whatever you need to make sure homegirl is taken care of. Even if its for 5 minutes!!
All over the world we are facing a situation none of us has ever gone through. It’s okay to have multiple feelings throughout the day. We aren’t pros babes. But whenever you feel those anxious thoughts creep in your mind, stop, breath, and do something that makes you feel good. I have faith we will get through this!
Bella V Boutique Things to Do to Keep Sane During Quarantine
We couldn’t express our gratitude with the support we’ve been receiving from you guys at such a difficult time! Thank you so much!! Small businesses depends on the community for its support and we are so lucky to have you guys. We have decided to give back to our Bella V Babes to bring some fun and positivity back into your life! Make sure to tag #bellavbabes for a chance to have your entire purchase fully refund!!



Bella V 

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